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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Take the Biotrue Challenge

If you are a contact wearing mama like me mosey on over and Take the Biotrue Challenge! You will get a free sample of Biotrue in the mail. It takes a couple weeks but who doesn't like opening up packages and finding a free sample! Make sure you let them know you haven't tried it when they ask!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Great Photo Print Deal!!!

If you like to print photos, you will love this deal through
Use this code FIFTYFREE and you will get 50% off prints and free shipping!
I just spent $5.02 for 104 pictures!
Knit Hat SetHow cute!!!

Head over Here to get some great deals from Carter's and use this code FFSAVE25 to get 25% off your entire purchase. (Doesn't include Doorbusters, Clearance or Carter at home.

You can also join shopathome and receive 2.5% cash back!!

Who doesn't like getting paid to shop???

Happy Birthday to me!!

I can't believe how old I am...where did the time go?? I like being this age its way better then my teens and my twenties! It seems like that was all a big blur, I am figuring out who I am now and the type of person I want to be. I want to be kind (no matter how mean you are to me) I want to be happy (no matter how angry you try to make me) I want to be ambitious (no matter how hard it looks) but most of all I want to be a great wife and mother! No matter how much these two boys gang up on me!
I hope everyone has a marvelous day!!
Love you all!!!

The Albuquerque Maize Maze!! How fun, wish I was there to go on this.

Click here for more info!

Thanks, Tania
September 29th is national coffee day! Get a free 12oz coffee!

National Coffee Day

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Free Chicken at Panda Express 10/3

Head over and print this coupon and receive a FREE single serving of Thai Chicken On 10/3
                                                  Print Me!!!

Thanks, the centsableshoppin

Michael's coupon!!

Click here Coupons to print a Michael's 25% off entire purchase or 60% off special framing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

6 month shots and teething!! Help us all!

Baby boy just turned 6 months old on the 23rd...where did the time go? Unfortunately he has to go in for his 6 month shots tomorrow. I have a ton of questions from what medicine to give him now (ibuprofen, Tylenol) to what should he be eating and how much and on and on and on. Oh the fluoride in the water, yes this little man has two teeth that have broke through the gums! Is there any questions i am missing? If so let me know, if not, wish us luck!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby Food Puree's Butternut squash and carrot

Who Loves them some baby food??!!
Well this is the first time I have made Butternut Squash and I pretty much do it like I do carrots~
Here We GO!!
First you start with the whole squash, I never realized how much it was like the pumpkin until now! I cut it into smaller pieces (easier to handle) then I peeled it. Be careful it's slippery! Then you fill a pot with about 4 cups of water just to be sure you have plenty of steam!

Steam for about 15-20 minutes or until you can stick a fork in them and it slips right out no problem.
                                                                 Let them cool for a couple minutes then place them into your food processor or bullet, whatever works for you! Make sure to add plenty of water or breast milk to help get it going.
I like the ice tray method, it's easy and inexpensive, each section is about an ounce. I also cover with plastic wrap before I put into the freezer. Of course let it stay in there until its done freezing....
Mark the baggie with what's in the bag and the date you made it and it will last in the freezer for 3-6 months but it is recommended that you use them within a month or two. No problem here!
Happy Pureeing! 

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday Let's start something new today!

Have you ever thought about just getting out there and doing somethig you have never done before? Like a new hair do (or don't) but just not thinking about it and just doing it. Kind of a spur of the moment type thing? Well I do all the time and I think we should do it on Fridays!!! I think I am going to try Zumba today. Wish me luck because I haven't exercised in a minute...let's see 9 months + 6 months = 15 months... ah who am I kidding I stopped exercising way before that!! Good lucky everyone and feel free to post suggestions as to what you are going to do differently today!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Video: First time eating applesauce!!

So I made some fresh applesauce this morning, yes I slaved over a steamer!! :) I am not sure if he likes them or thing is for sure he didn't take to them as well as he did the peas and brown rice????? Weird, I know...he's like his father alright! Gotta love him!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I think we have a reader

You don't want to roll over or crawl or say mama but you want to read and that's ok. You are amazing!

Mommy to a 6 month old

September 19, 2012
Emanuel Joseph Thomas
6 Months Old Soon!

I never thought that I could love like this, words can't express the love and pride that I have for you! You inspire me everyday to be a better person. Your dad and I are overwhelmed with happiness as you achieve all of the little (HUGE) milestones that you are achieving! 
You are getting so big, you have two teeth coming out on the bottom and you are being such a superstar! (that's what daddy calls you) You don't fuss too much just when mommy wants to sleep, but I don't mind! I love the cuddle time I get when you fuss at night it gives me an excuse to snuggle up with you! 
You are sitting up pretty good on your own with just a couple topples here and there, you have a favorite toy I think and it is the tiger pillow that Auntie Lisa got you, you love to bite on it and wrestle with it on the floor! 
You love to laugh and have the cutest one ever, sometimes you and I just laugh back and forth at each other for no reason at all. You are eating solids and starting to drink water out of a sippy cup.
Unfortunately we have to take you to your 6 month shots in a couple days, mommy makes dad hold you down then I get to give you hugs and make it better.
Well you are waking up from your nap and it's time to give you a bottle I love my days with you my baby boy! We are so grateful you are in our lives we couldn't have asked for a better lil man! 
Love you, Mommy!