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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Garage Sale Anybody!

I just want to let you all know that  I am so sorry that I have been missing from the blog world! Some of you know that my husband is retiring from the Army after 20 years and we are moving back home!! We have been really busy trying to get the house ready to sell and with a 10 month old it can be difficult. In the process I am looking forward to getting rid of a lot of items we do not use!! Garage Sale anybody?? I have been looking up great tips for a productive garage sale.

1: Advertise!!
I am going to post an ad in the local newspaper and an ad on Craigslist. Also I have heard that it might be in your best interest to ask your neighbors if they want to have a neighborhood sale! (If you are selling big items that you can not bring outside, make sure you advertise that you have a couch or a table whatever it may be inside for sale)

2: Be Prepared!!
Make sure you have all clothing items washed, hung and labeled the night before!
Make sure you clean items that have been sitting around collecting dust (nobody wants something all grimy)
If you are selling games and movies, make sure you have all the pieces and that the movie is in the case!
Go to the bank and get change, it's a great way to lose a sale if you don't have change to give back! (Don't have a cash box, keep cash on you at all times)
Have bags available to carry merchandise in.

3: Be nice!
Greet the people with a smile and chat if they want to chat. Sometimes you can tell if they are chatty or not, if not it's best that you say hello and give them space to browse.

4: Be ready to negotiate!
Especially if you are having the garage sale to get rid of things and not just to make money! I think I will be giving a lot of things away!

 Be nice on the way out, they might just tell a friend about your awesome sale!!

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